Mar 3, 2011 13:02:47 GMT -9
Post by Vermin King on Mar 3, 2011 13:02:47 GMT -9
okay ... now I need to go back through looking at images of bowman minis. I really don't remember seeing any with the arrow on the wrong side of the bow. I don't doubt you, but I don't remember it.
Of course, I'm old and my memory isn't what it used to be.
What was I talking about again?
Mar 3, 2011 13:12:39 GMT -9
Post by Parduz on Mar 3, 2011 13:12:39 GMT -9
And he's using his bow properly! The number of minis with the arrow knocked on the wrong side is amazing. Lovely work, another mini that will really stand out at 15mm I love that you are producing units of minis for massed battle but each has enough character to be used in RPG (the variety in the footsoldiers was excellent). eheh... me and Labrat already discussed this. I was saying that the wrong way is the one you think is right... after a short googling i learnt that both ways are right. It's a matter of choice, school and technique
Mar 3, 2011 13:39:04 GMT -9
Post by Vermin King on Mar 3, 2011 13:39:04 GMT -9
The way shown is the way I was taught. Having the arrow resting on your thumb just seems wrong. But I could have been taught wrong.
Now that I think about it, there was a show on Discover or History Channel on the horse-mounted Mongol archers. The portrayers rarely had their bows verticle. If you are holding the bow at an angle, the other way might work better.
Eh, I was never all that good with a bow.
Mar 3, 2011 17:24:58 GMT -9
Post by cowboyleland on Mar 3, 2011 17:24:58 GMT -9
Standard western is off the finger, not off the thumb, and the three fingers on the string also comes from medieval "English" (actually Welsh) longbows. The Mongols use a thumb on the string and zen archery tends to favour shooting the arrow off the thumb side, but in the olympics even asian countries use composite bows with the arrow rest on the finger side. I don't pretend to know what goblins and elves do.
Post by labrat on Mar 4, 2011 4:44:00 GMT -9
Thanks everybody! It is definitely coming along nicely. If I can maintain a steady pace I should be done with this set in about another 5 days. Then I can move on to the next set, which I have decided will be a catapult and crew.
It should be interesting, since I haven't really done any 3d type stuff as of yet.
Mar 4, 2011 10:12:22 GMT -9
Post by emergencyoverride on Mar 4, 2011 10:12:22 GMT -9
He looks great and also ready to drop some ogres or impalers! Nice. ;D
Mar 4, 2011 13:26:24 GMT -9
Post by nikloveland on Mar 4, 2011 13:26:24 GMT -9
Those Impalers are pretty nasty and close distance fast. He better hope he hits the first time!
Post by josedominguez on Mar 5, 2011 2:43:54 GMT -9
And he's using his bow properly! The number of minis with the arrow knocked on the wrong side is amazing. Lovely work, another mini that will really stand out at 15mm I love that you are producing units of minis for massed battle but each has enough character to be used in RPG (the variety in the footsoldiers was excellent). eheh... me and Labrat already discussed this. I was saying that the wrong way is the one you think is right... after a short googling i learnt that both ways are right. It's a matter of choice, school and technique My mistake, I should googled, instead of relying on all of that archery I've done over the years Modern bows can indeed be used either way, it's a matter of preference, but those are traditional European style bowmen using their weapons for war. Horsbowmen tended to use that grip as you can hold the arrow in place more easily while also controlling the reins. It really doesn't matter when using the bow vertically but to get a big draw on a traditional wooden bow you'd often need to turn the bow to the horizontal (pretend to hold a bow and really tense your arms, you'll find you want to turn your hand flat with the thumb facing inwards, it's where your grip is strongest and you can exert the most power), an arrow nocked on the inside would need to be gripped in place as it would just fall off. An arrow on the outside will just sit on top of the bow and rest against your gripping hand. American indians used a mix of grips, purely based on preference but their bows never required the huge draw strength of a European military bow. Mongols, American Indians etc... used bows as individual ranged weapons, most European armies used them for organised volleys, so power, range and consistency was more important than short range individual accuracy. Most archery schools still teach that there's a right and wrong way to do it, but both work, it's just that the inside grip wouldn't be as effective on a traditional European wooden military bow.
Post by labrat on Mar 8, 2011 0:24:25 GMT -9
I have finally finished the artwork for the militia (all of them). Here is another preview of what you will get. This guy will come with a crossbow as shown, and also with a handcannon. In total there will be 15 shooters. 5 bows, 5 crossbows, 5 handcannons. Nik and I will have a photoshoot day on Saturday, and these should be released sometime early next week. I have already begun the next project which will be a catapult and crew. I plan to have that done in a couple weeks.
Post by Parduz on Mar 8, 2011 0:46:18 GMT -9
Post by josedominguez on Mar 8, 2011 8:02:29 GMT -9
That is superb.... and the figure selection will cover a huge variety of army options Lovely work.
Post by Reivaj on Mar 8, 2011 8:42:22 GMT -9
WOw ! Excelent work Labrat. ;D I love the shadows and lights of the wrinkles from clothes
Mar 8, 2011 11:05:54 GMT -9
Post by emergencyoverride on Mar 8, 2011 11:05:54 GMT -9
Very nice! Bring on the Catapult!!!! ;D Starting to round out the human army a bit.
Mar 8, 2011 14:43:18 GMT -9
Post by naked on Mar 8, 2011 14:43:18 GMT -9
Sweet!... and the guy is pretty good too.
Mar 8, 2011 21:50:19 GMT -9
Post by Sirrob01 on Mar 8, 2011 21:50:19 GMT -9
Nice work as always Labrat. I can only imagine you must quiet literally spend hours coloring each mini. Looking forward to the set as the Human army closes in on completion edit: I hate commenting on others art as I know how tough it is to draw and colour but I just noticed is his left (on the right) arm a little long? possibly an optical illusion....
Post by labrat on Mar 9, 2011 5:36:03 GMT -9
Hmmm. Well I suppose it's slight enough it won't make too much difference at 30mm. It doesn't seem too bad to me. No more time to dally on this set though. I'm onto the next.
Mar 14, 2011 19:48:06 GMT -9
Post by nikloveland on Mar 14, 2011 19:48:06 GMT -9
Here's the teasers (I'm still working on the close ups):
Mar 14, 2011 19:54:06 GMT -9
Post by Vermin King on Mar 14, 2011 19:54:06 GMT -9
Kiladecus will be happy to see he was included ... LOL
Mar 14, 2011 20:22:09 GMT -9
Post by nikloveland on Mar 14, 2011 20:22:09 GMT -9
Yeah, front and center! More photos are up. You can check it out here.
Mar 15, 2011 10:34:38 GMT -9
Post by josedominguez on Mar 15, 2011 10:34:38 GMT -9
Brilliant...... that's the core of a human army sorted. Lovely artwork as ever and looking more and more like 3d figures all of the time.
Mar 15, 2011 15:42:37 GMT -9
Post by stevelortz on Mar 15, 2011 15:42:37 GMT -9
I like these sets! It would probably be good to have some militia with pole arms, too, things like simple spears, bill hooks, scyths, etc.
Have fun! Steve
Mar 15, 2011 17:29:42 GMT -9
Post by labrat on Mar 15, 2011 17:29:42 GMT -9
Sweet! I'm glad these guys are finally released. I hope everyone enjoys them and finds them to be useful.
Mar 15, 2011 22:06:10 GMT -9
Post by Sirrob01 on Mar 15, 2011 22:06:10 GMT -9
Very nice and nabbed
Apr 18, 2011 13:54:53 GMT -9
Post by stevelortz on Apr 18, 2011 13:54:53 GMT -9
I just finished building some of the crossbowmen. These are the best 2.5D crossbowmen EVER!
Have fun! Steve
Apr 21, 2011 10:39:13 GMT -9
Post by labrat on Apr 21, 2011 10:39:13 GMT -9
I just finished building some of the crossbowmen. These are the best 2.5D crossbowmen EVER! I am very pleased that you like them. I really like the way this set turned out.