Post by mproteau (Paper Realms) on Aug 8, 2015 9:07:58 GMT -9
Hey everyone - I'm slowly getting some textures together as well as putting together a process for making models and instructions and all that. Hopefully real soon now I'll have a couple little buildings showing up on DriveThruRPG! Now that I've got these out of the way, I'm going to try to wrap up some tile textures and then get to work on a new wall texture for buildings! Here are some preview pics:
Post by alloydog on Aug 8, 2015 10:00:09 GMT -9
Medieval? I've seen houses looking just like that in the Lake District/Cumbria about 20 years ago!
Post by berneart76 on Aug 8, 2015 17:01:52 GMT -9
Very Nice, I know I'll be adding these to my collection!
Post by mproteau (Paper Realms) on Aug 10, 2015 11:11:51 GMT -9
Well, that was exciting! These first products got published as I was starting a marathon work meeting, so I got to watch as people discovered and downloaded the freebie model throughout the meeting. Feel free (pun intended!) to have a peek. I'm gonna get moving on my cobblestone street tiles before I move onto the next set of houses!
Post by berneart76 on Aug 10, 2015 11:29:37 GMT -9
Picked These up today-- Can't wait to work on making interiors for them and building them!
Post by squirmydad on Aug 10, 2015 12:39:16 GMT -9
Waaaay underpriced, or great value for the money, depending on how you look at it.
Post by Vermin King on Aug 10, 2015 13:32:21 GMT -9
Squirmydad is right. But I know you have to get known, and the best way to do that is to have freebies and discounts. Just don't do it too long or people will think of Paper Realms as a discount shop.
Post by mproteau (Paper Realms) on Aug 10, 2015 13:44:45 GMT -9
Thanks for the kind words, guys. I had to weigh sitting around and NOT releasing anything with scaling back on the complexity of models (these are quite simple) and the number of texture options (I only have the stone texture on them). As such, I think the normal price is ok, and not out of line with other models. Yeah, they're on sale right now, but you gotta start somewhere, right? These little models let me learn how to make instructions (I hope they are clear enough) and how to package things up with promo pics and logos and stuff. As I get more experience at this, I'll have more textures at my disposal, so I can offer more layer options, more complex geometry etc. I'm honestly just thrilled that I've gotten off my butt and pulled the trigger. My family has a New Year tradition to write down three things we're thankful for from the previous year, and three things we'd like to accomplish in the coming year. I've had this on my list every year so far!
Post by oldschooldm on Aug 10, 2015 14:33:30 GMT -9
I'm so excited to be able to actually share something other than effusive praise with you Michael. Should be good to get your talent out to a wider audience!
Post by Rhannon on Aug 11, 2015 3:13:28 GMT -9
Great paper buildings ( easy but with lots of character ). Bravo! I'm sorry but I have some problems with Two Story House files. I have downloaded the zip file twice (yesterday and today, a few minutes ago). When I try to open it, something is wrong. In the folder there are only the base and the two jpg images. If I check the zip file I can see all pdf files in it, but when I try to extract them the program give me an error and extracts only those mentioned before.
Post by mproteau (Paper Realms) on Aug 11, 2015 4:23:36 GMT -9
Huh! Right you are! Thank you for pointing this out - I'll correct this first thing when I get home tonight. I can't imagine what went wrong...
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Post by cowboyleland on Aug 11, 2015 5:08:21 GMT -9
There are buildings like these still in use in eastern Ontario. Many farm houses were built of stone in the 1800's. The only thing out of place is the tile roofs. Wooden shingle or tin would make them fit right in.
Post by emergencyoverride on Aug 11, 2015 7:56:06 GMT -9
These are really awesome bro! Congrats!!
Post by mproteau (Paper Realms) on Aug 11, 2015 12:51:42 GMT -9
Getting the hang of this "releasing" thing... I updated the attached zip file (twice) and hopefully it's all good now!