Post by mckilligan on Aug 30, 2019 5:54:51 GMT -9
My humble entry, my proudest creation. Elegant, refined, cultured, ageless, merciless. A innate poise that would shame royalty belies the bestial, ravening abyss where a soul should be. Direct Link for printable imageUndead Hordes, Orcs, and other abominations available for slaught available at my site - retrogrademinis.com/
Post by marcpasquin on Aug 30, 2019 6:41:11 GMT -9
My humble entry, my proudest creation. Elegant, refined, cultured, ageless, merciless. A innate poise that would shame royalty belies the bestial, ravening abyss where a soul should be. Direct Link for printable imageUndead Hordes, Orcs, and other abominations available for slaught available at my site - retrogrademinis.com/Maybe it's the art style but I'm getting a Castlevania vibe. As in, the kind of character that would float to your side of the screen and unleash flying skulls.
Post by Toman on Aug 30, 2019 9:13:22 GMT -9
your website is gorgeous! I will be printing up some of your stuff real soon
Post by mckilligan on Aug 30, 2019 19:28:06 GMT -9
your website is gorgeous! I will be printing up some of your stuff real soon Thanks! @me on twitter (@minisretrograde) when you do, everything is brand new so I haven't seen anything in-action yet!
Post by Antohammer on Sept 1, 2019 23:26:44 GMT -9
they are amazing man!!! but are them front and rear???
Post by oldschooldm on Sept 2, 2019 6:49:40 GMT -9
Welcome and thank you for joining the community here!
I checked @autohammer - it isn't in the rules that a mini must have a frontside-and-a-backside.
Though, I can share that many of the creators/builders here have a strong preference for figures that do have two sides of art - so it might be keeping you vote count down a bit.
Perhaps in future years, we can share a "contest primer" that will explain stuff like that - instead of bringing it up at voting time. Sorry about that!
Again - we're so glad to have you here!